Canada has strict regulations for the entire fracking process. The regulatory framework in place has effectively protected Canada’s environment and public health for over six decades, and the regulations are continually reviewed and improved.

Canadian provinces and territories have some of the most progressive oil and gas regulations anywhere in the world, including these top risk areas for oil and gas development:

  • Safety
  • Water use for fracking
  • Well construction to protect groundwater
  • Spill containment and cleanup
  • Containment and disposal of wastewater, including flowback fluid

The potential risks associated with oil and gas development and production, including fracking, are mitigated through regulatory oversight, enforceable regulations and best practices management.

At the federal level, key legislation for ensuring responsible development of Canada’s oil and gas resources include:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act
    • Chemical Use
    • Air Pollution / Emissions
    • Hazardous Waste
  • Hazardous Products Act
  • Hazardous Material Information Review Act
  • Dangerous Goods Act
  • Species at Risk Act
  • Fisheries Act
  • Environmental Enforcement Act
  • Health Canada
    • Human health risk assessments

An overview of regulations for oil and gas development for all of the provinces and territories can be found at FracFocus.ca.

How is water allocated for fracking?

What happens to the flowback fluid?

What is frac fluid made of?

How much water is required to frac a well?

Can tap water be lit on fire because of fracking?

Are there rules for fracking in Canada?

What is being done to mitigate anomalous induced seismicity?

Does fracking cause groundwater contamination?

What is fracking?

Can fracking cause earthquakes?

How long does fracking take?

How are spills prevented during fracking?

Why do we frac?

How is water managed in the fracking process?

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